Our Afrikin Art Exhibit was a smashing success! On display at the Galvin Center for Art Basel in December 2023, it was deemed a must-see by the New York Times. Click here to read their review: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/05/arts/design/miami-art-fairs.html.
Featuring artists directly from Africa, the show was part of my continuing series of events ‘Celebrating West Africa.’ Due to its popularity, much of the show will remain on display at 1600 NE 126 Street through the month of February 2024. Click here for some video and photos from my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/821673188/videos/a.10160430554293189/390135416815711
Kudos to the artists and organizers for a wonderful show. I hope we have them back again in 2024!