My last day on the North Miami city council was December 10, 2024. I left office having served twenty-five years and seven months (but who’s counting?). It was absolutely the adventure and honor of a lifetime. As I rode into the sunset, two very complimentary media stories aired. They leave me humbled. So I want […]
Remember how David Letterman used to have a nightly Top Ten list? Well, I’m stealing his idea and expanding it to my Top Twelve. Here are some of the top accomplishments I think I made while serving on the North Miami City Council: Obtaining and paying off the Scott Galvin Community Center. Never missed […]
Renovations of the Keystone Tot Lot are finally beginning! The park will be closed starting Monday, November 11th through the remainder of the month. It’s a $50,000 project I got funded in the last fiscal year. It took time to come to fruition because of delays in equipment availability. Most all of the existing playground […]
The City Clerk’s Office has received notification from the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections that a recount will be necessary for the mayoral and District 4 seats. The close totals between the second-and-third-place finishers have triggered a recount under Florida Law. The recounts are scheduled to commence on Friday, November 8, 2024 at 3:00 pm. In […]
The Florida Department of Transportation recently reached out to provide information on two upcoming projects set to begin on Monday, November 4, 2024. The two upcoming project locations are as follows: State Road (SR) 5/US 1/Biscayne Boulevard – from north of NE 105 Street to SR 922/NE 123 Street, and along SR 922/NE 123 Street from […]
This story has a happy ending. I’m incredibly proud to let you know that the city finalized the purchase of the Scott Galvin Community Center for $11.25 million on September 30, 2024. It is now fully and officially a city-owned facility. Located at 1600 NE 126 Street, the city originally retained use of the former Johnson & Wales University […]
Wow! The first “Taste of Afrikin” food festival on September 1st was an amazing success. Over 50 people attended and enjoyed delicacies from across Africa, the Caribbean, and other countries. Check out the photos here.
Last Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the city council presented a Key to the City to Rohey Malick Lowe; Banjul Mayoress, the first female mayor of Banjul, The Gambia. It’s a sister city and we visited them in 2024. Mayor Lowe was in town on other business and stopped by to speak of her commitment to […]
Film Screening & Q&A with Director Iara Lee Join us for an inspiring evening of film, discussion, and community as we explore the powerful themes of Agroecology, Women’s Empowerment, and Leadership in Guinea-Bissau. Presented by AfriKin, this event features the screening of the film UNITE FOR BISSAU (Nô Kumpu Guiné), directed by Iara Lee. This […]
I owe so much of my success to South Florida’s Haitian-American and diaspora communities. They have given me the honor of not only repeatedly re-electing me, but also allowing me a front-row seat to thriving success in American democracy. So it’s hard to find the right words to express my absolute disgust at Mr. Trump’s […]