For several years, FDOT and Miami-Dade County have been working on roadway improvements along 135 Street between I-95 and Biscayne Boulevard. Weeks will often pass with no workers in sight and no progress made. Maddeningly, the work will not be done soon. Here’s an email I received on September 1st from Miami-Dade:
“(Here is an update) on the status of the ongoing 36-inch watermain installation along NE/NW 135 Street from NW 7th Avenue to NE 16th Avenue. Due to unforeseen events such as supply chain material shortages associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, poor soil conditions, and dewatering restrictions imposed by RER the original completion date has been impacted. The new projected completion date is April 2023. While WASD is close to finishing the main portion of its work, this overall project also includes a partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation for the roadway improvement portion.”
As per the email, you can direct your concerns to Juan Curiel, Senior Project Manager, at I’ll continue to voice the objections of our community regarding the length of time being taken.