Illegal Charter Boat Business Gets Huge Fines

A home on Auralia Road has for months been allowing its dock to be used for a charter boat business. In North Miami, that’s illegal. On January 10, 2024, the owners learned the price. Over $200,000 in fines were levied by a judge.

The matter was first brought to my attention last July.  City Code Enforcement staff assessed the situation and issued violations.  The owners of the home were given multiple chances to cease operations.  They didn’t.  We continued to monitor the situation and build evidence. Code Enforcement and North Miami Police worked closely, even conducting undercover operations.  The Keystone Neighborhood Association was monitoring throughout.

After following the letter of the law and allowing due diligence, the case finally found its way before our Special Magistrate.  The Magistrate is a judge who issues impartial judgements in matters like this.

Here is a breakdown of the fines issued:

  • Repeat offender – Previously found guilty on 9/7/23. Occurrence from 10/25/23. Operations of boat charters in a residential neighborhood in North Miami is prohibited. – $5,000
  • Repeat offender – Previously found guilty on 9/7/23. Occurrence from 11/25/23. Operations of boat charters in a residential neighborhood in North Miami is prohibited   – $5,000
  • Operating a business without first obtaining a business tax receipt – $95,000 ($1,000 daily from 10/7/23)
  • Operating a business without first obtaining a certificate of use – $95,000 ($1,000 daily from 10/7/23)
  • Operating a boat charter from a residential neighborhood – $1,000

    Total: $201,000.

You can watch the entire proceeding and see the breakdown of each violation here: 

North Miami obviously takes violations like this seriously.  These violators bring unwanted noise, traffic, and litter to our streets.  If you know of similar violations, please let me know.