Sign-Up to Tour Wildcat Center

Excitement is building as North Miami begins to active our newest community space: the Wildcat Center. Our Parks Department will move in on March 1st, bringing a strong presence to the facility. From there, our Parks staff is already coordinating athletic and community uses. If you’d like to take a “sneak peek” tour of Wildcat, please choose one of these three opportunities: Thursday, February 10th at 3:00 pm Saturday, February 19th at 11:00 am Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 pm Please click here to choose a date and register. Space will be limited so please register fast. Located at 1600 NE 126 Street, the facility is five years old and 35,000 square feet in size. We can use it for badly needed recreation, meeting, and office space. I’m excited to give you a chance to see it!