With the spirit of the Christmas and holiday seasons upon us, I am again asking North Miamians to bring gifts for needy children to City Hall during early December. This is our 15th annual Angel Tree! In the lobby of city hall, we have set up an ‘Angel Tree.’ Affixed to its limbs are tags with the gender and age of a child in our area. Please drop by and take a one. Then, return to city hall an unwrapped gift appropriate for a specific youngster. It’s that simple!
Each year, The AIDS Ministry of St Stephen’s collects toys to give to the children of families served by Food For Life Network, a non-profit organization providing food, food vouchers, and meals to people and families living with AIDS/HIV, several of whom live in North Miami.
Gifts can be dropped off at City Hall, 776 NE 125 Street, during the business hours of 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. The last day to bring gifts is Thursday, December 9th.
Late-arriving gifts will simply be distributed later. But please try to make the December 9th deadline.