My Statement on Bigoted Remarks about Immigrants “Eating Pets”

I owe so much of my success to South Florida’s Haitian-American and diaspora communities. They have given me the honor of not only repeatedly re-electing me, but also allowing me a front-row seat to thriving success in American democracy. So it’s hard to find the right words to express my absolute disgust at Mr. Trump’s debate lies about Haitians “eating pets” in Ohio. His words and the stereotypes they push are vile.

I direct these words to the people within my sphere. If we went to high school together, you know very well how similar bigots pushed other lies about Haitians and HIV. You probably played on teams or served in clubs with Haitian-Americans new to this country, struggling to find a foothold. If you say those kids were your friends and still find it in your heart to vote Trump, you’re lying to yourself.

If I taught at your school, you probably heard Anglo kids taunt their fellow students with similar ugliness. I remember the fights in the halls. Please find it in your heart to reassess things and know you had more in common that we realized.

If you live in North Miami, you obviously have Haitian-American neighbors. You have probably interacted with them a thousand times in a thousand positive ways. Don’t fall victim to Trump telling fibs on a national level that you personally know are false.

I held off on this post earlier this week because of September 11th. I wanted to honor the solemnity the day commands. But today, I express my disgust. Trump and others are saying racist things to earn your vote. Please STOP and search your heart. Haitian-Americans have worked as hard as any American minority group to succeed. North Miami and its many successes are proof. Our country is better than Trump. You are better than Trump. Please look within your heart and do what’s right on November 5th.

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