When the 2024 high school football season rolls around, there’s a strong chance that our city high schools will be able to play home football games in the North Miami Athletic Stadium with a full set of bleachers. The stadium opened in 1985, so after many years, the structural soundness of the bleachers were compromised for a variety of reasons. As a result, the bleachers were removed.
What was expected to be a quick replacement project was delayed for years as COVID and supply issues kept us from finishing the job. But now, we’re finally at the precipice. Work to replace the east bleachers is expected to start in March 2024. It will take eight weeks to complete. While that’s on-going, work on the west bleachers will also commence. Those bleachers are larger. A cement pad will be poured to provide added stability. When the cement has set, it will take another twelve weeks to construct those bleachers.
Overall, assuming no unexpected delays, we should see full completion by late Summer 2024. Just in time for kick off!