City Leaders Meet with FPL

On January 24th, after a disastrous weekend of water shut downs and a pole fire, city leaders met with FPL project managers about their on-going hardening project in Keystone. Sitting in from the city were Police Chief Larry Juriga, Asst. City Manager Aneisha Daniel, and Public Works Director Wisler Pierre. Representing FPL were their Government […]

Disruptions Persist from FPL Hardening Project

Florida Power & Light continues with a “hardening” project in Keystone intended to upgrade and modernize their power grid. The problem for neighbors is that the work has caused incredible headaches. The biggest one lately was their contractors interfering with water lines, causing several Keystone homes to lose water service. City administrators and I have […]

North Miami Takes Lead Against FAA Flight Pattern Changes

Thanks to community uproar, the city of North Miami has filed an opening brief against proposed flight pattern changes at Miami International Airport. The FAA hopes to redirect flights to save time and money. The new patterns will have planes turning north over North Miami and surrounding areas. Previously, flight patterns went out over the […]